Several hundred public posters are used to discuss the lack of governmental accountability in Sierra Leone. Unaccountability that is pervasive within the judicial system, law enforcement, social welfare, education and healthcare, whilst the industrial extraction of diamonds, gold operates freely. Sierra Leone posters are ubiquitous, advertising a prolific ad hoc film industry. The poster format provides information freely and instantly. With high illiteracy rates (around 50%) theses poster borrow the format of local currency, with historic Sierra Leone leaders asked the question ‘If I was alive today, what would I say?’ which invites public opinion to vicariously express itself.
Killian Doherty is an Architect from Northern Ireland. His research interests lie within the exploration of fragmented sites, settlements & cities at specific thresholds of racial, ethnic or religious conflict. For the past 5 years he has worked on a number of post-conflict reconstruction projects in South Africa, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Rwanda through his small design research practice called Architectural Field Office. He is undertaking his PhD by Design at the Bartlett School of Architecture (UCL).
Killian Doherty (Concept and Design), Anamika Goyal, Cassandre Nativel, Krystle Lai, Momoh and TBC
Sierra Leone