This documentary shows a common week of the tireless activities driven by Barcelona‘s Platform for People Affected by Mortgages (PAH). The PAH is the organisation behind Spain’s anti-eviction movement, and has successfully resisted over 1000 evictions since it was founded in 2009. The cameras placed at the heart of the organization depict not only the post-housing bubble drama but most importantly the huge invisible work behind the PAH and the deep process of transformation and empowerment of those who participate in it. Because, those who care of people are taking care of the commons.
Comando Video has been created by Pau Faus, Silvia González-Laá, and Xavi Andreu to work on their first documentary ‘Sí Se Puede. Seven days at PAH Barcelona’ (2014), a daily account of Barcelona‘s Platform for People Affected by Mortgages that portrays what a common week, and its tireless activities, could look like.
Currently they are active part of La PAH and working on documenting their activites. Also they are working in the documentation of the platform ‘Barcelona en Comú’, an activist moviment which is working actively in the political firld, with the aim to become part of the city Parliament.
Pau Faus And Silvia González-Laá (Script), Documentary by Comando Video