Envisioned as “brick that holds beer” this iconic re-usable bottle, designed by John Habraken in 1963, was intended to serve as a building block after use. Its design, with flat sides and provided with relief and a concave bottom allowed horizontal stacking as masonry walls. Posed as a response to the increase amount of glass waste of beer industry; it didn’t make its way to a commercial production but it remains as “the first industrial initiative to develop recyclable packaging” before the emergence of eco-conscious consumer designs.

John Habraken was born in Bandung, Indonesia in 1928. Went to primary school in Surabya and Jakarta. Secondary school interrupted for three years by war events. Received his architectural training at Delft Technical University, the Netherlands. 1948-1955, and Served in the Royal Dutch Airforce as a deskbound noncom. Officer from 1955-57. His book, titled: “The Structure of the Ordinary”, published in 1998 by MIT Press, is an investigation of laws governing built environment as revealed by patterns of transformation.

He’s the author of ‘Supports, an Alternative to Mass Housing’ which was first published in 1962. After being director of SAR ( Foundation for Architects Research) in the Netherland, and appointed professor at Eindhoven Technical University; taught at MIT till his retirement in 1989. Remains occupied with Methods and theory of architectural and urban design.


