Conversion+ is a collective device creating itinerant festivals about the bottom-up reuse of abandoned urban landscapes.
Born in Bari, South-Eastern Italy, in 2011, Conversion+ is a non-stop investigation on the possible ways to inquire, represent, share the urge of action on the problem of abandonment. Understanding it as a complex question with deep economical, social and even global reasons that affect the urban dimension, Conversion+ tries to experiment constantly evolving methodologies to collect ideas and transmit them to the technical audience of designers, as well as to the large public of the communities of citizens.
During the first three yearly editions, Conversion+ has been using many tools to approach the problem: short and mid-length festivals; architectural design, photography and videoart workshops; “open source set-up” collective shows; exhibition design and DIY performances; placehacking explorations; locative media participatory mapping; public talks; online photogeotagging contests; innovative funding methods; best practices sharing; strong local relations; national and international networking; all with the aim to stress the boundaries of the expertise that architects and designers are no more bound to. Conversion+, then, is the tale of the complexity of urban landscape abandonment as well as a tool to put under the light the possibilities of shared knowledge about the city.