New Productive Urban Furniture
AKTINA* constitutes a stand-alone power station that harvests solar energy and recharges electric bicycles and personal portable e-devices. It is part of a broader vision according to which, “Urban Sockets” would be distributed across the public space, comprising common, productive, local energy networks, for the accommodation of everyday needs. Fostering both the idea of distributed energy production through renewable resources and alternative mobility, the project suggests the development of a new productive urban furniture.
The first launch of a fully functional prototype took place in the context of Aeschylus Festival, in Elefsina, GR (2012). Since September 2013, AKTINA* lays in the centre of Athens; hosted at the garden of National Hellenic Research Foundation. Apart from its everyday ordinary function, AKTINA* intends to stimulate events and encounters, organized not only by the authors of the project, but mostly by visitors and passers-by. The installation enables its users to realize temporary, spontaneous, unexpected, ludic, ad hoc (inter)actions in public space, pointing towards notions such as self-sufficiency, sustainability and open accessibility within the contemporary urban landscape.