Installation and sound performance with e-textiles
Divergence is an open-source project that deals with the question of how to create physicality in order to sense the invisible forces that surround us, through the use of wearable technology, e-textiles and creative coding. It proposes the creation of a wearable electromagnetic field detector that provides the human body with the ability to feel and listen to the electrically and magnetically charged particles that propagate around us. The wearable detector consists of a soft-circuitry garment with an embedded microcontroller that provides haptic and sonic feedback to the user. The haptic feedback is experienced in the form of vibration patterns and the sonic feedback in the form of tones that variate in pitch depending on the strength of the signal. The detection takes place through two embroidered coils that are incorporated in the wrists of the garment and serve as antennas for sensing EM fields. The project’s schematics and code are available in Github, accessible by anyone interested in creating their own version of an EMF detector wearable.
Divergence forms part of The Soft, The Hard and The Wet performances cycle curated by Shu Lea Cheang that took place at Linz in Austria during Ars Electronica 2014.