The scarcity of Fearless Women in India

The Nidar Project is a response to this scarcity of fearless women in India, a country whose cities have appeared on the rape capital cities of the world lists and women everywhere are always subconsciously afraid of venturing out too far of their comfort zones.

Faith can move mountains and this saying has never been truer than in India. Religion has often been used as an excuse to shrink a woman’s position in society, her education, her clothing, her right to life. This project seeks to use the symbolism of religion to empower women, instead of negating their roles in our society. What if we could trigger into this cultural psyche of the Indian mindsets at large? One where our mothers teach us to be fearless, to be wild, powerful and almost devil (goddess)-like. The Hindu goddesses are full of this fearlessness but somehow our women aren’t. Using the symbolism of the weapons of the Hindu goddesses could we craft a Talisman (in a form like a swiss army knife) for Indian women, to provoke a new culture of fearlessness and invoke their inner strengths and stand up against the violence together to make a change in the Indian society.

Mahafrin Rustomjee doesn’t believe in the delusion that design can save the world or for that matter she doesn’t think the world needs saving. She sees herself as an artist, storyteller, dreamer, writer, poet and collector for the world she is presently contained in. Working as a maker of myth, creating artifacts for the present day scenarios. She likes to merge the inanimate with the animate; to make things more ‘alive’ by weaving myths into reality. Working with different sections of culture to enchant people with the use of crafted, poetic and ritualistic design.

She is based in Mumbai, India and is currently enrolled in the Master’s Program (Social Design) at the Design Academy Eindhoven.


Joseph Grima, Jan Boelen, Gagantik, Savi Sadhu


