
Traditionally and throughout the 20th Century, our idea of ‘economy’ has been linked to that of Capitalism: paper money, currencies, debt, banks, are the main references we have when thinking about economy. But recently, the notions of ‘value’ and ‘trade’ are changing, adapting our language and even our mental framework to new possibilities.

id title author
008 OpenStructures Thomas Lommée
010 Eindh Made—0 Miles Production Andrea de Chirico
012 Parametric Standardization Kirschner3D and Jesse Howard
014 Native Products Papairlines (Vasso Asfi, Costas Bissas, Loukas Angelou)
018 Ethical Things Matthieu Cherubini
, Simone Rebaudengo
019 DRM Chair Thibault Brevet
023 Kickended Silvio Lorusso
028 Opendesk James Arthur, Ian Bennink, Tim Carrigan, Nick Ierodiaconou, Joni Steiner
033 The Summer School for Applied Autonomy Valentina Karga
037 The Volume Economy Vicky Katrin Kuhlmann
039 AKTINA* City Index Lab & Energize
041 Crafting Neightbourhoods Sevgi Ortac, Asli Kiyak
042 #OccupyGezi Architecture Architecture for All
046 Sleeping Area Antonas Office
047 Temple of Holy Shit Collective Disaster
048 Emergency Commons Maritina Koutsoukou
049 Traces of Commerce Haris Biskos, Martha Giannakopoulou, Clelia Thermou
F02 Suujin Maintenance Club RAD
F03 Sí Se Puede Pau Faus
F04 Romania Enterprise #norma (Maria Draghici, Ioana Paun, Andra Popescu)